måndag 16 september 2024

Creating the Universe by Plucking a String 2

The previous post outlined a possible mechanism to create a large scale Universe $U$ of non-negative mass density $\rho$ from a small scale small amplitude perturbation of a zero gravitational potential with mass density "created" from a gravitational potential $\phi$ by the instant action of the Laplacian differential operator $\Delta$ acting in a Euclidean space with coordinate $x$ according to the assignment   

  •  $\rho (x,t)= \Delta\phi (x,t)$ for all $x$ and $t>0$,               (G)
where $t$ is a time coordinate starting at time $0$. The only force in $U$ so far is gravitational force $-\rho\nabla\phi$ which together with Newton's 2nd Law describes the dynamics in $U$, which is large scale.

The physics of $U$ is in a second step expanded with an electric potential $V$ with electric field $E=\nabla V$ as a small scale small amplitude perturbation of a zero electric potential with small scale large scale amplitude electric charge $q$ of variable sign created by an assignment analogous to (G):
  • $q(x,t)=\Delta V(x,t)$ for all $x$ and $t>0$,                          (E)                 
with $q=q_++q_-$ split into $q_+\ge 0$ and $q_-\le 0$. A further contribution is given by connecting $E$ to a magnetic field $B$ through Maxwell's equations into electro-magnetics.

The result is a Universe including large scale large amplitude physics of gravitation and small scale large amplitude electro-magnetics created from small amplitude perturbations according to (G) and (E) through the action of $\Delta$, as a Universe created by plucking two strings. 

Note the fundamental difference: 
  • Gravitational force is attractive/repulsive between masses of same/opposite sign. 
  • Universe of positive mass density separated from Universe of negative mass density. 
  • Electric force is repulsive/attractive between charges of same/opposite sign. 
  • Gravitational potential strong on large scale because mass density is non-negative and so add without cancellation, but weak on small scale.
  • Electric potential is strong on small scale short range but weak on medium/large scale because charge density has variable sign with cancellation.
  • Electro-magnetics of light on small/large scale. 
  • Laplacian differential operator fundamental as instant local action. 
  • No need of instant action at distance.  
  • The relative strength of electrostatic and gravitational force between a proton and an electron is nearly $10^{40}$.  
The effect is a toy Universe of large scale non-negative mass density + small scale charge density of variable sign + large/small electro-magnetics of light captured by Newton + Maxwell + Schrödinger as a unified theory. Einstein has no role to play.

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