Swedish Foreign Minister Maria Stenergard repeated Sweden's steadfast support to Ukraine/NATO in its war with Russia made clear in the previous post, by today expressing:
- Sweden stands strong.
- It is important to secure ourselves.
- This is a genuine Swedish interest.
- We take on our responsibility.
- We invest in our military defence.
- We are now NATO members and we feel more safe than ever before.
- A prime interest of Sweden is to strengthen our support to Ukraine in order the get an agreement which prevents any further Russian aggression.
Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Christerson adds that Sweden may send troops to Ukraine.
Both ministers have missed that Ukraine/NATO has lost the war and that talks between Russia and USA are now under way towards a peace deal where the winner sets the conditions.
This means that the massive Swedish military support to Ukraine has been meaningless and has only contributed to destruction. A harsh reckoning by the people of those responsible for this disaster, now will start.
Swedish Prime Minister Febr 19:
- More weapons to Ukraine.
- I do not think Russia wants any peace negotiations.
- Sweden is in a dangerous situation (since we are at war with Russia).
"Men då sa Jonatan att det fanns saker som man måste göra, även om det är farligt. 'Vafrör då', undrade jag. 'Annar är man ingen människa utan bara en liten lort', sa Jonatan"
SvaraRaderaÄr du en liten lort? (Eller bara köpt?)