torsdag 24 oktober 2024

What is Consciousness?

The present hype of AI brings up questions about consciousness:

  • Does ChatGPT express some form of consciousness?
  • What are basic features of consciousness?
  • What is the connecting to intelligence?  
A simple intuitive idea of consciousness of an organism might include, all for best survival: 
  1. model of the external world formed in the brain and projected onto the world
  2. updated by sensory organs and kept in a memory
  3. guiding actions 
  4. to reach certain goals
  5. in a variable environment
  6. self-consciousness allowing self-evaluation.

If the goals are reached one could say that the organism has some form of intelligence. The organism could be biological from flatworm to human being or some mechanical robot with AI. 

The model would be used to predict changes in the environment requiring actions by the organism. The prediction would involve testing different actions in the model as simulations and choosing the best to meet the goal.

A self-driving car continuously updates a 3d model of a variable environment and takes actions to reach a certain destination and so may be viewed to fulfil 1-5, while a human being would also meet 6.  ChatGPT would come near only to 1. 

A goal of seeking pleasure rather than pain would require sensory organs allowing the organism to feel pleasure and pain. This is not so far possible for mechanical robots (as far as we know), but maybe flatworms can. Pain is experienced in the brain and projected to the perceived origin of sensory input. 

One may ask if self-consciousness is a cultural phenomenon, which is not fundamental in primitive cultures where group-consciousness may be more useful? Maybe Greek gods served as some form of exterior self-consciousness.

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