måndag 23 september 2024

Webb Telescope vs Big Bang?

The new James Webb Telescope has produced images with can be interpreted to be in conflict with the ruling cosmological theory named BigBang, or not:

What to believe? BigBang or Not BigBang? The question is again on the table after a long period of dominance of BigBang. 

In recent posts (e g this followed by this) I put forward an alternative to BigBang starting from a null gravitational potential $\Phi =0$ as solution to the differential equation $\Delta\Phi =0$ with $\Delta$ the Laplace differential operator acting in an Euclidean space without boundary, from which substantial mass of variable sign $\rho =\rho_++\rho_-$ is created as the sum of positive mass $\rho_+$ and negative mass $\rho_-$ from a quickly oscillating perturbation $\phi$ of $\Phi$ of small amplitude as $\rho =\Delta\phi$, with repulsion between positive and negative mass,  eventually forming a Universe with positive mass well separated from an anti-Universe with negative mass both subject to gravitational attraction.

This signals a possible creation of something big from something small by a process of differentiation, connecting to that described in Genesis 1:4: 
  • And God separated the light from the darkness.
It is further possible to connect dark matter to $\rho_+$ of small amplitude, and dark energy to influence from the anti-Universe.

The features of this scenario are:
  • Pre-existence of a Euclidean space with solution $\Phi =0$ of $\Delta\Phi$, like an un-plucked guitar string tuned to 440 Hz.
  • Creation of substantial mass $\rho =\Delta\phi$ of variable sign from quickly oscillating small amplitude perturbation of $\Phi$.
  • Repulsion between positive and negative mass segregating $\rho$ into a Universe with positive mass and an anti-Universe with negative mass.  
We can compare this scenario with BigBang for which a key mystery is the required initial state as very hot and very dense. It may be that the Webb Telescope will show no support to anything like that and so make BigBang fade away. 

In any case, the question of why there is something rather than nothing will continue to trigger speculations. 

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