tisdag 10 september 2024

Normal Physics from Extreme Physics?

Modern physics is largely based on an idea to find the truth about some physics by subjecting it to extreme tests as if that will bring out the essence. This idea was introduced by Einstein in his famous "thought experiments" of his Special Theory of Relativity SR, with trains being accelerated to speeds comparable to the speed of light, and from such speculations finding revolutionary new truths about space and time today viewed as fundamentals of modern physics. 

To accelerate a 100 ton train to a speed comparable to the speed of light requires more than $10^{20}$ Joule to be compared with the energy of the total yearly production of coal of less than $10^{18}$ Joule. 

This is the idea of of finding the true physics of light by sending single photons (whatever that is) to go through a double split and finding that a photon gets confused about what slit to pass, as the basic experiment of quantum mechanics.

This is the idea in experiments at the LHC at Cern colliding protons at close the speed of light to find out the nature of protons as fundamental building stones of an atoms/molecules together with electrons and neutrons.  

The new ESS in Lund Sweden will smash high speed neutrons into different molecules to find out their essential functioning in a normal environment.. 

This idea is also present in Einstein's General Relativity as a Theory of Gravitation supposed to replace Newton's Theory of Gravitation in extreme conditions like the collision of black holes or the Universe as a whole. 

The idea of finding normal physics from extreme physics may appear strange from classic physics point of view with generality and simplicity as leading principle and not extreme particularity of extreme complication. But it has taken a prominent role in modern physics, maybe because it is now possible to perform extremely complicated experiments concerning extreme physics and finding extremely small effects. 

An example is the proclaimed detecting of exceedingly weak gravitational waves from a collision of two black holes as an event of maximal strength, awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017. 

Experts of modern physics with (i) relativity theory + (ii) quantum mechanics the essential advancements of classical physics, are eager to reveal the fact that both (i) and (ii) are very difficult to understand. An effect is that there are many conflicting efforts to simplify with little agreement since the formation of the theories 100 years ago, now manifesting itself as a crisis of modern physics.

This is to be compared with classical theories of physics formed to be maximally clear and understandable and so also being supported by a common agreement.

You find on this blog efforts to make atom physics understandable as Real Quantum Mechanics, and macroscopic mechanics as Many-Minds Relativity.

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