Andrew Skolnick has mounted a ferocious attack on the Slayers of the Sky Dragon on Judy Curry's blog as a large set of comments (out of 2000) on the blog post Slaying a Greenhouse Dragon.
The attack is supported by a Youtube clip entitled Needling the Deniers aimed at disproving my new derivation of Planck's law of blackbody radiation showing that the basic postulate of CO2 alarmism of backradiation is fiction.
The clip shows that a needle can be heated in a microwave oven, which is known to everybody with some experience of a such a device. Skolnick thus demonstrates that low frequency waves (microwaves) can heat an absorber to higher temperature than the blackbody temperature corresponding to the frequency.
Does this mean that a blackbody can heat another blackbody of higher temperature, that a cold atmosphere can radiatively heat a warmer Earth surface? Of course not!
But what about the microwave oven then? Isn't this a counter-example? No, it is not because the amplitude of the microwave radiation is much larger than that of blackbody radiation of the corresponding temperature. The heating in a microwave oven is thus not blackbody heating; it is amplifed blackbody heating, and therefore the microwave heating of a needle is not a counter-example to my proof that blackbody backradiation from cold to warm is fiction.
But it is good that Skolnick brings this issue to the table, which allows one more head of the Sky Dragon to be eliminated. Thank you Andrew!